
Writing Task #2 Coca Cola

  Coca Cola Costa Rica Today we will talk about the most famous soft drink company Coca cola, wich has a presence in more tan 200 countries. Not only its a reconized campany, but it is also commited to social causes such as gender quality. (Geraldine) Product (krissia) The main product that you can buy is the Famous Coca Cola, its a Delicious drink, and other sodas for example Fanta, Sprite, coca cola zero and others. If you want energy drink, Coca Cola has Powerade, Gatorade, and others.  You can Get natural drinks, In Coca Cola you can Buy Water. Coca cola not only offers drinks, you can also buy t-shirts with designs of the company Brand. Price (Cindy) The exact price is only known by the Coca Cola company, but the mini-supermarkets give us a price very similar to that given by the company. You can find prices between 400 colones and 2,500 would be the highest price. Energy drinks are usually more expensive than carbonated products You can find Coca-Cola of any size

Writing Task #1 Seven Tips

                                                      Here are seven tips for a successful job interview 1.           You should arrive 20 minutes before the time of the job interview. 2.         You should turn off or silence the cell pone, to avoid interruptions. 3.         You must not say bad things about your previous positions and bosses. 4.         You should get information about position and the company, this will help you to better develop the conversation and at the same time show interest. 5.         You should have a positive attitude, be friendly and show that you are good candidate for the position. 6.         You must not invent work experiences, this reduces the possibility of being hired. Be honest. 7.         You must have confidence in yourself, focus on expressing your knowledge and experiences obtained.

Writing Task # 4 Tips

  Tips for Entrepreneurs  Tip # 1 I think I should to take advantage of the problem and turn it in an opportunity. Tip # 2 I think I should get the truth about my business idea if it results in profit or loss. Tip # 3 I think I should save money to pay for the rent because I don't know when my business will make a profit. Tip # 4 I think I should learn one thing well, So multiple things can be difficult to learn at the same time. Tip # 5 I think that to compete in the big market you have to create the fundamental strategies to secure a place in the market. Also know the great responsibility of being an entrepreneur because you are responsible for the situation of the company.

Writing Task #2 Paraphrase

  My paraphrased sentences 1. Kristy said she loved working on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. Kristy said that she was sending an email her boss. 3. Kristy said that she would buy a car for business trips. 4. Kristy said that she could finish her homework on Friday. My sentences to paraphrased 1. I enjoy creating the presentation for the meeting. (Simple Present). 2. I am checking invoices during this week. (Present Continuos). 3. I will supervise a new project next month. (Future with Will). 4. I can complete the reports next Monday. (Abilities with Can).

Writing Task #1 Peru

Recommendations for to visit Peru 1. You should meet and interest in sharing different foods. These foods characterize the Peruvian flavor. 2. You should to help older adults in any situations. 3. You should to know about the culture, foods, religions and football.  4. You should to speak in Spanish for business. In Peru this action is admirable. 5. You shouldn´t to talk about football. 6. You shouldn't address people only by name. So use Dr, Madam, Sir, Mr, Mrs and Miss. 7. You shouldn't to talk about conflicts political.
  Writing # 8 How to Accept and Reject Invitations Abigail: H ello Renato. How are you today?❤ Renato: I'm good and you? Abigail: I'm fine. What are you doing? Renato: I am washing a clothing. Abigail: I understand. Would you like do something? Renato: Something? Abigail: Yes. Would you like to go to the Ponderosa? Renato: I am sorry, I don't have time but thanks. Abigail: It's OK. Do you want eat a burger with fries? Renato: Sounds good but I'd  already have finished lunch. Abigail: Can I ask one last question? Renato: Sure. Abigail: Why don't se go to cinema at nigh? Renato: That sounds like fin but I hate the cinema. Abigail: Oh. Really?. Excuse me the insistence. Renato: Don't worry. Abigail: Have a day nice, bye. Renato: Bye.💔
 Writing #7 Abigail: Hello, Abigail speaking,. How can I help you today? Kenya: Hello Abigail, I have a financial statements problems of the this month. Abigail: What did you find it? Kenya: The financial statements are not finished. Abigail: Really?. Kenya: Yes, I'm worry, help me. Abigail: Let me check in my documents. Kenya: Sure. Thanks. Abigail: I apologize for not update it. Kenya: No problems. Can you send email it? Abigail: Yes, give me a minute. Kenya: Perfect. I will wait your email. Abigail: I will send email it within 30 minutes. Kenya: Thank you so much your help, Bye. Abigail: You're welcome. Bye.